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Top 5 Long - Term Cryptocurrencies to Invest in 2022 | Notum

By Notum

Jun 30, 20222 min read



The blockchain was built as a para chain within the Polkadot platform. The platform creates new opportunities for the DeFi field. Moonbeam works with Ethereum tools and Ethereum network smart contracts and also collaborates with many DeFi projects in different blockchains. Examples are Curve, Beefy Finance, IDEX, SushiSwap, and Ocean Protocol. 

Visit their official website.                                                                    

2. Uni

That's the most popular decentralized exchange that keeps up with some famous centralized exchanges regarding trading volumes. It supports the most popular blockchains and allows swapping using liquidity pools. The future success of the exchange will depend on the capital inflow into DeFi and the development of the exchange itself. Today, the exchange purchased an NFT marketplace Genie, and it's widening the NFT functionality.

Visit their official website.


It’s a decentralized network, allowing blockchains to safely engage with external databases. Chainlink already collaborates with Google. The internet giant applies Chainlink protocol for connecting users to cloud servers. The Chainlink protocol is a solution for an inflation index created by a DeFi financial company Truflation as an alternative for a consumer price index.

Visit their official website.


The main blockchain’s aim is to unite various blockchains and eliminate some technological boundaries. The Cosmos ecosystem has a great potential for growth as popular blockchains have already applied the technology created by the Cosmos team. The Cosmos network launched over 250 DeFi projects with a total capitalization of over $70 billion. Cosmos is using Binance Chain and OKExChain. 

Visit their official website.   

5. ETH

Moving the Ethereum blockchain to POS protocol should be completed in 2022. Some essential steps in renovation have already happened, and only the merging of the main network with Beacon Chain is left. That would be a transfer to POS. Ethereum is still a leader in the number of launched apps despite a massive number of competitors. 

Visit their official website.

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