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What Is WalletConnect and How Does It Work? | Notum

By Notum

May 01, 20223 min read


What Is WalletConnect?

WalletConnect is an open-source protocol used to provide a connection between different wallets and decentralized applications (or dApps). The protocol processes an encrypted connection between applications, wallets, and devices. This connection is also encrypted via a shared key of the two peers.

WalletConnect works with 75+ leading wallets where MetaMask, Rainbow, Trust Wallet, and Argent are the most popular ones. The connection between wallets and dApps is established either by scanning a QR code or deep link. The code or link is sent out by one peer and then scanned or approved by the other peer of the interaction. Once it is integrated into a dApp, it is extremely easy to create a safe and reliable connection. This alternative is even safer than solely using MetaMask or any of the other wallets. 

WalletConnect provides additional helpful features for blockchain development. Here are some examples: 

  • Chain Agnostic – WalletConnect supports a vast variety of different chains. It means that you can use it when, for example, working with Ethereum or Solana. Above all, according to WalletConnect’s official website, the protocol will widen a range of supported chains in the near future. 
  • Multi-Chain – The protocol is also suitable for multi-chain integration. You’re able to connect a wallet to multiple chains at the same time. 
  • Platform Agnostic – Plus, it is also platform agnostic. So, the protocol can be used across desktop, browser, mobile, and gaming applications.

WalletConnect empowers Dapp developers to integrate with multiple wallets through a single operation:

  • makes that possible for users to use their mobile wallets with Dapps without installing a browser extension;
  • users can use their favorite wallet without worrying about which Dapps have integrated with which wallets;
  • easier wallet integration for Dapp developers instead of having difficulties with the integration of each wallet separately;
  • gives flexibility to Dapp developers about which Wallet Connect bridge servers they'd like to use within mobile wallets;
  • allows control to the mobile wallet developers on how push notifications are sent to their users.

How to Use WalletConnect?

Here's a quick and easy step-by-step guide on how to use WalletConnect on a mobile and desktop Dapps:

  1. Open a dApp
    Find the Dapp you're going to use on your desktop or a mobile browser.
  2. Connect your wallet
    Almost all Dapps on Ethereum now have the 'Connect your Wallet' option or similar. Use your wallet and select this option. You will be able to connect with WalletConnect if the Dapp supports it. 

    On Desktop

    Tap on WalletConnect. Then use your wallet to scan the shown QR code.

    On Mobile

    Tap on the WalletConnect option in the Dapp. After that, there will be an option 'Choose your preferred wallet.' Just tap on the symbol that refers to the wallet you'd like to connect with.

    It will open your wallet, and you can continue on to authorizing the Dapp.

  3. Enable a dApp
    Then, you'll receive a notification from your wallet asking if you'd like to confirm the connection to the chosen wallet. After authorizing a Dapp, you allow it to get access to your wallet and take out a number of assets up to a chosen limit. Authorization for Dapps can be withdrawn at any time.
  4. Confirm the transaction
    Once you are connected, you're ready to use it. While making a transaction with the Dapp, there will be a popup within your wallet asking you to agree to the transaction. Any other transaction requires paying network fees (or "gas").
  5. Switch it off
    Don't forget to disconnect your wallet from the Dapp afterward if you're not going to use it any longer.

Safety Reminder

Don’t forget to disconnect your wallet from a DApp when you’re finished and don’t need it anymore. It’s also always helpful to check that the DApp you’re connecting to is trusty and that you have entered it with the correct URL. Last but not least, restart your app and refresh your browser, as it will help improve your security for connecting to a DApp.

Overall Thoughts

WalletConnect is a helpful and popular tool that makes the DeFi DApp world easier to manage. Investing a few minutes in learning how to use it gives you access to a bunch of different services. It simplifies connecting other wallets with DApps that support multiple chains. Additionally, WalletConnect’s upgrade to v2.0 will provide an even more user-friendly interface.